The purpose of this site is not to teach people how to produce web pages. There is little mention of HTML or any other technical stuff other than in passing. It is assumed that the reader already has a grasp of HTML programming, or has made the decision to use one of the new WYSIWYG web page editors. It is aimed at people who are already involved with design and typography for conventional print and want to explore the possibilities of this new electronic medium. They are probably already using page layout tools like Quark XPress, PhotoShop, Freehand and Illustrator and have discovered that designing web pages is something quite different. Web pages can be simple and functional or as mind-blowingly experimental as you like. In either case, or anywhere in-between, the fundamental principles developed over centuries of designing for the printed page are just as valid and can be adapted and extended to a computer screen. I invite comments from anyone interested in public dialog and debate with the sole purpose of promoting and furthering the standards of design on the World Wide Web. Last revised June 1997.
This site has been awarded
the prestigious High Five Award
for excellence in web site design
Written and designed by Joe Gillespie - joe@pixelp.co.uk
Sponsored by Pixel Productions
This work is © Copyright
1996 by Joe Gillespie of Pixel Productions UK.
It may not be reproduced in total or in part without the author's
express written permission.
All trade marks and brand names are acknowledged as belonging to
their respective owners.
MacWorld Cover CD-ROM Version